Filtering by Tag: stella chung

Helldivers 2 Is the Best Live Service Game in a While

Stella talks about Helldivers 2 and her obession with the new third-person shooter and how well the developer Arrowhead handles its live service aspect of its game.

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China Enforces New Online Video Game Bans and Rules

Join Stella for this special holiday episode where she talks about the new regulations China is implementing to reduce online gaming spending and obsessive and addicting gaming behaviors.

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The State of Battle Royales

In this episode of Snap Aim, Stella answers a few questions in an AMA session and goes on a few rants listing her tiered list of Battle Royales, explains how IGN reviews work, rants about how not all reviews are done the same, and just generally goes on some rants about FPS games and the state of Apex Legends.

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